Saturday, December 27, 2008


It's been nearly two weeks since I touched my bike (for riding) and I feel like I've been on a quest to see how far off my CX season fitness I can push myself. Aside from the unending consumption of butter, sugar and beer, I've been so sedentary that I wake up every day wondering what level of sloth I can achieve that day. Last night I has a dinner of cookies and Golden Grahams for God's sake. Thankfully, I've joined the masses and started a Facebook page so I can waste time a bit more effectively in the coming days. On the positive side, I had a photo show that was extremely successful, so I have some new found photographic motivation. Perhaps I'll finally rework my website and sort through the thousands of images from this year that I need to edit. That would be a productive use of my time, so we'll see if I gather the motivation to do it. Either way, I'm riding tomorrow, I think and will get to do one final CX race next weekend (albeit with comical fitness) so things will probably get rolling again for me soon. At the moment, though, it's nice to take it easy and recharge, even if I can't help but feel a touch guilty from time to time. I think there's an IPA calling my name somewhere...


Living a Lie said...

I know the feeling man, The only thing people eat in the country is dried meat and cheese.

Boz said...

Next time you post of photo of me on your blog I would appreciate it if you got my permission first. I would have put on a pair of tightie whities.

Casey Ryback said...

I hope that you don't mind getting shot with a barrage of nerf suction darts from a nerf tommy gun... cuz that might happen at crossocalypse...